GharWaapsi - Pirana Satpanth to Sanatan

History of Kutch Kadva Patidar Sanatan Community
and its religious re-conversion back to Sanatan Religion i.e., Hinduism

કચ્છ કડવા પાટીદાર સનાતન જ્ઞાતિનો હિન્દુ સનાતન ધર્મમાં ઘરવાપસીનો ઇતિહાસ 

English Language

(translated from original book written in Gujarati Language)

Critical analysis of the religious history of Kutch Kadva Patidar Sanatan community. 

The book contains the history about the community’s initial religious conversion from Hindu Sanatan religion to Pirana Satpanth religion (a branch of Shia Islam) and re-conversion back to Sanatan Religion popularly known as Hindu religion. 

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